
Mobile Legends Adventure Wishing Shrine Drawing

Mobile Legends Adventure WiKi: Tips and Tricks for Game Walkthrough

MOBILE LEGENDS ADVENTURE - Android game with release date 05/24/2019 from the company Moonton. Game Genre: Role Playing. In the article, we summarized pumping tips from TOP players, developers "answers to gamers" questions, guides for beginners from the official site and our secrets for passing the game. Attention, the Wise Geek website is constantly updated, visit us more often.

Better Mobile Legends Adventure download to computer via this link and play in Full HD resolution with maximum graphics, no brakes and with the preservation of progress. Just download the emulator, log in to your Google Play account, install the game in the window that appears and you will become the Wisest.


  1. Best Heroes (Tier List)
  2. Guide on pumping heroes (characters)
  3. Gift Codes
  4. We participate in promotions correctly
  5. Secrets of the Altar of Summoning
  6. Altar of Spray
  7. How to Use the Sanctuary Effectively?
  8. Walkthrough Story Campaign
  9. Arena Guide
  10. Guild Secrets
  11. what gives VIP status?
  12. Maze Guide
  13. Daily Challenges
  14. Passing the Tower of Babel
  15. Time Portal Tips
  16. What are Friends for?
  17. Freebies in the Store
  18. Secret of the Hall of Fame

Mobile Legends Adventure: Best Heroes (Tier List)

We have prepared several Tier lists, divided by the levels of characters in the game according to their game value.We compared the heroes in terms of their effectiveness in the Campaign, Labyrinth and Arena. Level 1 - the best characters are collected here, and level 5 - the weakest heroes. Also, the characters are located in the sheets according to their level of effectiveness: 1 hero of the level is the strongest, 2 is a little weaker, and so on.

1st level

Argus, Estes, Alice, Clint, Valir, Lolita, Karina, Kadita, Angela, Badang.

The strongest characters who have shown themselves perfectly in every activity of the game.

2nd level

Freya, Leslie, Chilos, X Borg, Lancelot, Lee Sung-Sin, Minsittar, Gatotchaka, Saber, Rafael, Chan'E.

Heroes of level 2 can be used in any team composition, but they are not as strong as characters of level 1.

3rd level

Grok, Akai, Aurora, Lapu-Lapu, Carrie, Zilong, Harley, Helkart.

These heroes are considered average in strength, can only be used in PvE activities, in combination with heroes of the same type.

4th level

Moscow, Odette, Proud, Aldous, Bruno, Tigril, Eidora, Kaya, Leila.

These characters can sometimes be used, but their capabilities are limited. This sheet is filled with the best elite heroes and 2 epic characters.

5th level

Balmond, Hilda, Kusaka, Franco, Alucard, Cyclops, Mia, Bane.

At this level, elite heroes are presented, which it makes sense to use when there is no one else. Their pumping is limited, in the later stages of the game their effectiveness becomes minimal. Therefore, they can be used with a light heart to pump other characters.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Guide on pumping heroes (characters)

Character Overview

Heroes are an important part of the gameplay. With their help, absolutely all gaming activities are completed.You need to have several pumped heroes in order to achieve high results in the game. Characters are divided by type:

  1. Element.
  2. Techno.
  3. Fighter.
  4. Shine.
  5. Dark.

Types of heroes affect the alignment of fighters in battle. The correct arrangement of heroes is called resonance.The game has several options for the placement of warriors that bring the most efficiency. For a positive outcome of the fight, you should consider these rules and use them:

  • 5 heroes of different types - give a Referee bonus: health points + 8%, magic attack + 12%, physical attack + 12%.
  • 3 heroes of type 1 - give a Referee bonus: health points + 10%, magic attack + 15%, physical attack + 15%.
  • 3 heroes of type 1 + 2 heroes of another type - give a Referee bonus: health points + 15%, magic attack + 18%, physical attack + 18%.
  • 4 heroes of type 1 - give a Referee bonus: health points + 20%, magic attack + 20%, physical attack + 20%.
  • 5 heroes of type 1 - give a Referee bonus: health points + 25%, magic attack + 25%, physical attack + 25%.

This resonance should be considered when pumping characters. Opponents also have a resonance that obeys the same rules.

There is also a reaction in the game, that is, characters of type 1 do more damage to champions of the corresponding type:

  1. Element - beats Techno more.
  2. Techno - hits Fighters more.
  3. Fighters - hit the Element more.
  4. Light and Darkness - cause equal damage to each other.

The type of reaction gives a bonus of 30% damage. For example, the opponent has 4 Techno characters, therefore, it is best to place the heroes of the Elements against him.

Also, the characters are divided by quality:

  1. Epic - usually called on 3 and 4 stars. A 5 star elite naked hero will lose in strength to a 5 star epic hero. The maximum level of pumping is 500. Abilities can be pumped up to level 11. These characters can have 15 stars = 5 rainbow stars.
  2. Elite - at the start it's worth downloading elite heroes, but if possible replace them with epic heroes. The maximum level of pumping is 160. Abilities can be pumped up to 4 levels.
  3. Ordinary - they don't have many stars, so it's best to spray them immediately, it's not worth pumping them.

Characters drop out in random order, so there is little opportunity to purposefully collect heroes. Therefore, it is recommended to download those epic heroes that most often fall out. It makes no sense to rest against any one character. If it is possible, for example, to pump Chilos, you should pump it (especially since it is a strong tank).Do not wait until another champion drops out, or appear in the store.

But pumping a lot of heroes at the same time also does not make sense. It is necessary to determine the main five characters, and should invest only in them.

In the later stages of the game, you need to pump only epic heroes (after about 2 to 3 weeks from the start). It is necessary to collect them by type, since there is a very good increase in characteristics due to resonance.

Heroes are divided into classes:

  1. The tank is a melee fighter, has increased health and protection. In battle, all damage done is taken. Its main task is to prevent other characters from dying. Often tanks can control the actions of opponents, reduce their effectiveness in the battle.
  2. The mage is a ranged fighter, does huge damage to opponents, can deal damage over the area. Often has the ability to immobilize opponents, reduce their effectiveness in battle. The main task of magicians is to inflict damage to enemies. It has low levels of protection and health. To pump and dress it is necessary to attack.
  3. Support - a ranged fighter, does not have pronounced characteristics. His main task in the battle is the healing of the allies, or their protection.
  4. A fighter is a melee warrior, has the ability to quickly break into a crowd of enemies and inflict tangible damage on them. As a rule, it has good health and attack. Its main task is to prevent enemies from breaking through to fragile characters. Has a high dodge rate.
  5. The shooter is a ranged fighter, has the ability to control enemies, has powerful attacks on 1 (sometimes more) targets. It has low health and protection indicators, while it has improved accuracy of shots.

Heroes also have a specialization that determines their behavior in battle:

  • Recovery - restores health points to yourself and allies.
  • Damage - Deals damage to enemies.
  • Jerk - the hero's ability to quickly move to distant rivals and inflict quick damage on them.
  • Healing is the massive healing of allies.
  • Control (mass control) - enchants rivals, does not allow them to effectively fight.
  • Mass damage - hits all enemies or attacks on a specific area.
  • Explosive Damage - Releases a sphere that explodes after a certain period of time.

Class and specialization should be the main parameters when choosing a hero in the squad.

Character upgrade

Characters are assembled from fragments of the Hero. Different heroes need a different number of fragments, which depends on the quality of the champion.

Performance enhancement occurs in three ways:

  1. Equipment.
  2. Level Up.
  3. Star Rating.

Equipment. In addition to improving the characteristics of one thing, a combination of objects also gives a bonus to the parameters of the hero. For example, if you collect all the rare (blue) items of equipment, then it will give a good increase in performance. But if there is a part of green (unusual) things, then the bonus will be calculated on unusual items of the hero's wardrobe. This is worth considering.

Equipment can increase stardom, thereby improving the characteristics of the thing and, accordingly, the character himself. In order to improve equipment, you need to go into the hero's window, select the necessary item. After that, the window of the selected item will open. Here its characteristics are shown, what kind of increase the item gives to the champion. At the bottom of the window there is a button "Improve". Improves the stardom of ammunition for gold and equipment coins.

Where can I get equipment coins? Equipment coins give various activities. At the start of the game, they can be obtained by completing the "Tasks for beginners". Equipment Coins can also be earned in the Campaign, for spraying equipment in the Spray Altar, for completing the Labyrinth. Often start stocks in which you can get a lot of equipment and Coins equipment.

Raising the level of the hero. The main type of leveling characters. The level does not increase in activities, but for the special resource "Hero Experience". It can be used for any character, and very quickly increase his level. The experience of the hero can be obtained in the daily rewards of the Campaign, for its passage, for the passage of other activities, during the spraying of the hero in the Spray Altar, in promotions, and other activities.The experience of the hero must be collected and saved. To be afraid to use it is also not necessary. Since for spraying the character, all resources are returned to the player.

When increasing the level of the hero, the player may encounter "transitional levels." These are such steps in development that give a powerful breakthrough in pumping the champion. Accordingly, in addition to the main ingredients of increasing the level, it is necessary to add an additional resource here - the essence of improvement. It does not occur often, therefore, if possible, it must be left to higher transitions. Transitional levels also provide an opportunity to open or improve a character's skill. Skills open:

  • 1 skill - is given as soon as the player collects the hero.
  • 2 skill - opens at level 21.
  • 3 skill - opens at level 51.
  • 4 skill - opens at level 81.

The main five heroes are best to download evenly. This is necessary for the Sanctuary.

After the player opens the character 6 star, it will be possible to increase skill levels.

Star Rating. Each star gives a significant increase to the main characteristics of the hero, as well as the ability to increase the limit of the levels of heroes. There are 15 hero stars in the game, but not all characters can achieve them. 15 stars can only get epic heroes. Starryness rises for fragments of heroes.

Since all 15 stars do not fit on the hero's icon, the developers divided the stars by color:

  1. Gold is the first 5 stars of the hero.
  2. Reds are the second 5 stars of the hero (from 6 to 10).
  3. Rainbow - this is the third five stars (from 11 to 15).

Altar of the confluence

In the Altar of the fusion, you can increase the level of star character and its strength through the fusion of heroes.At the same time, all things dressed up for the main champion will remain untouched. If the merged heroes had any level or equipment was on them, then all resources and things are returned to the player. Characters in the Arena Defense squad can also be upgraded. If the hero who was used as material and was in Defense at the Arena, then he is automatically excluded from the team. Before merging blocked champions, it is necessary to remove the lock.

If there is the necessary number of characters for the merger, then a red exclamation mark appears near the Altar of the merger. On the first tab, you can make a "quick merge", that is, the characters for the operation are selected automatically. To merge, you must have 3 identical heroes of the same quality. For example, 3 blue 3 star characters give 1 purple hero for 4 stars.

When merging, not only the character level limit increases, but also the skill level limit. For example, the limit for the level of yellow heroes is 100, while for red heroes it rises to level 120.

Heroes in battle

In fights with monsters or with other players, it is necessary to take into account not only resonance, but also the character's class. The outcome of the battle will depend on how the player put the heroes. For a more productive battle, you must follow some rules:

  1. The tank is a very important hero, they put him on the first line, as he is called upon to protect the rest of the team.With it, fragile heroes live longer.
  2. Support - the hero of this class is also important in the squad, especially the tank. The more effective the tank's treatment, the longer the remaining characters live. If you pump the hero of support for protection and increase his life, then he can be put on the third line.
  3. The third line - here you should put champions who have good defense or a lot of life points, since the opponent can have warriors who beat along the farthest line. If you put a magician on her, he will not live long.
  4. The second line - the most fragile characters are put here. Also, here you should put the heroes who hit the area so that the attack area captures as many opponents as possible.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Gift Codes

Where to enter the gift code? In order to enter a gift code, you need to go to a special page created for this by the developers: Here, enter the gift code in the CD Key line. Then, enter the game ID in the Account ID line. It can be found in the game itself in the account settings (click on the avatar in the upper left corner), under the player's name is written an identification code and server number. This number must be entered on the next Server line. After that, you need to click the Redeem button. After these steps, you need to go to the Mail in the game, where you will receive a message with the verification code CDKEY. It should be inserted in the last line on the VerificationCode site. Once again, you need to click on Redeem, after which a gift will come to the Mail in the game.

How to get gift codes? Developers periodically display gift codes on their official pages (instagram, facebook), which can be accessed through the icons in the game. Also, codes are issued for winning various community contests. We have 2 codes that will help the player in progress:

  1. 5S5WAH22223 - gives 300 diamonds.
  2. JNZU5V22224 - gives 300 diamonds.

Codes quickly become obsolete. Do not forget to visit our site - Wise Geek. Here we will, if possible, add new gift codes for the game. Do not miss, as some codes are valid for a limited time!

Mobile Legends Adventure: We participate in promotions correctly

First 7 days

At the very start of the game, you need to understand that by participating in various events (promotions, events), you can earn the maximum number of items for simple actions in the game. In principle, the player does not need to do something on purpose and spend extra time on it. You just need to go into the game and perform the necessary actions daily to complete the game.

At the start, beginners are given a promotion in which it is necessary to enter the game daily for 8 days. For this, the gamer will receive as a gift:

1 day - 500 diamonds;

2 day - the hero of Mia;

3 day - blue equipment;

4 day - 1000 diamonds;

5 day - 1000 units of essence of improvement.

6 day - 10 scrolls of the Phantom call;

Day 7 - Hero Chilos 5 stars.

Newbie Quests

At the same time, the "Tasks for the beginner" campaign starts, they should be completed as much as possible, since they will bring a lot of useful items at the start. The promotion is designed for 7 days, but lasts a little longer (9 - 10 days), this is done so that the new player can take all the rewards in a hurry.

For each completed task, the player is given Adventure Coins. These coins fill the stock scale (progress can be seen at the top of the window). For 900 Coins of Adventure, 300 diamonds are given, for 1800 coins the player will receive rare equipment. Upon successful completion of all the quests for the action, the player will receive 50 fragments of the 5 star hero Estes. To do this, collect 3600 Adventure Coins.

1 day

Clear Campaign 3-15. 50 diamonds + 200 Coins Adventure.
Reach the rank of Junior Researcher I. 200 Coins of Adventure + book of sages (unusual / magic).
Send 10 hearts to friends. 50 Adventure Coins + 10 hearts for invocation in the Wish Temple.
Complete Premium Call 3 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 10 Battle Points.
Pick up auto rewards 5 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 20 fragments of a random 3 star hero.
Get 5 4 star heroes. 50 Adventure Coins + 10,000 Hero experience.

2 day

Clear the Tower of Babel (20 floors). 200 Adventure Coins + 50 diamonds.
Complete 10 stages on the Crusade. 200 Adventure Coins + 200 Equipment Coins.
Get one 5 star hero. 50 Coins of Adventure + 50 essence of improvement.
Upgrade your gear 10 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 100 Equipment Coins.
Fight in the Arena 5 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 20,000 Hero XP.

3 day

Clear Campaign 5-15. 200 Adventure Coins + 50 diamonds.
Reach the title of Junior Researcher II. 200 Adventure Coins + magic resistance cloak.
Complete 9 quests in the Tavern. 50 Adventure Coins + 200000 battle points.
Complete Premium Call 10 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 15 fragments of a random 4 star hero.
Send 30 hearts to friends. 50 Adventure Coins + 20 hearts.
Get 15 4 star heroes. 50 Adventure Coins + 20,000 Hero XP.

4 day

Clear the Tower of Babel (floor 40). 200 Adventure Coins + 50 diamonds.
Complete 10 stages on the Crusade. 50 Adventure Coins + 300 Equipment Coins.
Upgrade your gear 30 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 200 Equipment Coins.
Fight in the Arena 15 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 50 Essence of Enhancement.
Buy in the Market 3 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 10000 battle points.

5 day

Top up your account for any amount. 200 Adventure Coins + 100 diamonds.
Clear Campaign 7-15. 200 Adventure Coins + 50 diamonds.
Achieve the title of "Senior Researcher I". 200 Adventure Coins + hero ring.
Have 5 heroes of level 50. 50 Adventure Coins + 60,000 battle points.

6 day

Complete Premium Call 100 times. 200 Adventure Coins + 60 fragments of a random 4 star hero.
Get 30 4 star heroes. 50 Adventure Coins + 20,000 Hero experience.
Spray characters 30 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 400 Altar crystals.
Buy on the Market 9 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 40,000 battle points.
Complete 30 stages in the Crusade. 200 Adventure Coins + 400 Equipment Coins.
Clear the Tower of Babel (floor 60). 200 Adventure Coins + 50 diamonds.

7 day

Get one 7 star hero. 200 Adventure Coins + 400 Equipment Coins.
Fight in the Arena 30 times. 200 Coins of Adventure + 100 essence of improvement.
Clear Campaign 9-15. 200 Adventure Coins + 50 diamonds.
Reach the title of Senior Researcher II. 200 Coins of Adventure + book of sages.
Have 5 heroes of level 70. 50 Adventure Coins + 80,000 Hero experience.
Upgrade your gear 40 times. 50 Adventure Coins + 200 Equipment Coins.

Login and other events

Entrance. The promotion starts every month. To receive a reward, you must enter the game every day for a month. When a player finishes collecting rewards, the page will refresh and better prizes will appear. Uncollected rewards can be collected the next time you enter the game.

King of the Arena. The event appears periodically. The essence of the action is to get special points for battles in the Arena (2 points for victory, 1 for defeat). Then these points can be exchanged on the events tab. This is the easiest way to earn rubies. Here it's not even scary to lose, you just need to spend often bits in the Arena for 7 days. For this event, you need to accumulate Arena tickets.

Hall of heroes. During the action you need to get certain heroes in any way. For completing tasks, the player will receive fragments of heroes, Equipment coins, Summon scrolls. Prizes are sent by mail.

There are promotions that suit different activities of the game. During the passage of events, the player makes the most of the game's resources. Therefore, it is necessary to accumulate various objects, resources, fragments of heroes, scrolls of summoning and hearts. Sooner or later, all these accumulations will bring a good bonus.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Secrets of the Altar of Summoning

Summoning heroes is the most common way to get characters. There are 3 types of appeal:

  1. Miracle is an appeal.
  2. Premium call.
  3. Friendly call.

In order to get a character you need to choose one of the available calls. A window with rune symbols will appear, and in the center you need to draw any symbol that comes to mind. This mark will be unique.

Miracle Call

Chances of losing heroes in Miracle - Summon:

  1. 3 star hero - 50.00%.
  2. 4 star hero - 6.50%.
  3. 5 fragments of a 5 star hero - 43.50%.

Characters in Miracle - Summon appear by type, for this you need to select the type of champion you want, and then draw a unique character.

Players often ask what to draw on a star map. But there is absolutely no difference. You can draw any rune as desired. Some drawings give 5 star heroes.

Premium Call

This is not the cheapest way to get a hero. But if a player needs to fulfill it (for example, in an event or for Achievement), then it is necessary to collect tickets. If a player decides to fulfill the Premium call for diamonds, then it is more efficient to accumulate 2500 diamonds. Thus, the gamer will save 300 diamonds. The call is for improved hiring tickets. You will have to draw a symbol just once. Chances of getting heroes in the Premium call:

  1. 2 star hero - 42.00%.
  2. 3 star hero - 45.00%.
  3. 4 star hero - 8.00%.
  4. 5 star hero - 5.00%.

For each Premium Summon and Miracle Summon, the player receives 10 chest points. Having gained 1000 points, the gamer will receive a random 5 star hero. But for this it is necessary to observe 2 requirements:

  • reach VIP3 or higher;
  • go through Campaign chapter 11-15.

Friendly Call

1 A friendly call is worth 10 hearts. Hearts are given by friends, or they can be earned in various promotions (when they happen). Chances of falling heroes in a friendly call:

  1. 1 star hero - 34.00%.
  2. 2 star hero - 20.00%.
  3. 3 star hero - 40.00%.
  4. 4 star hero - 4.00%.
  5. 5 star hero - 2.00%.

Promotions Promotions

It is best to make calls during relevant events.

Summoning Master - the event is held periodically, it is necessary to save on it improved hiring tickets. During the event, the player receives diamonds and a cheesecake, which can be exchanged for rewards.

Phantom Summons Event - also periodically starts, lasts 7 days. For each call, 1 point is given, for which you can get rewards. The rewards are good - it can be equipment and fragments of random 5 star heroes. Rewards are sent by mail.

After the campaign, the material used only during the event is not valuable (sometimes players do not exchange it completely). But selling it is not necessary. It is advised to leave resources until the next such action, and then exchange them for items.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Altar of Spray

This is a place where you can easily get the necessary resources for pumping heroes and their equipment. There are several tabs in the Atomization Altar:

  1. Remove the hero - the operation costs 20 diamonds and resets any pumped hero to level 1. All items that are dressed on the champion and all materials spent on improving his level will be returned to the player. The game does not need to be afraid that the player has pumped the hero. At any time, you can perform a reset for the returned resources, raise the desired character.
  2. Spray the hero - after spraying the champions disappear, and all the resources invested in him (the hero's experience, essence of improvement, equipment) are returned. For sprayed heroes give crystals of the temple, which can be spent right there in the store. It is recommended that you click on "automatic selection" to quickly select characters with the least number of stars.
  3. Equipment - equipment will be lost after spraying, and the player will receive a certain amount of Equipment Coins (depending on the quality of the item). Over these Coins are needed to improve equipment. If you click on the "Quick Choice" button, then all not improved ammunition of initial quality will be automatically selected for spraying. Some high quality items cannot be sprayed.
  4. Artifact - spraying is carried out like equipment. For sprayed relics, the player receives Artifact Dust (depending on the quality of the item), which is used to improve artifacts.

Temple Shop. For Altar crystals, you can buy fragments of a random 5 and 4 star hero. There are elite and epic heroes, but it is better not to buy elite champions here. There are cheaper places to purchase these characters.

When disassembling equipment, almost all the resources spent on pumping it are returned.

Altar Tips

  1. Resources. Resources should be used sparingly for summoning heroes. They will be necessary during events that periodically appear in the game, bring tangible profits.
  2. Merge. As soon as an exclamation mark appears at the Altar of Merger, the heroes should be merged immediately. The bag has a limited number of cells for storing characters. The number of cells for diamonds or for increasing VIP levels is increasing. Therefore, it makes no sense to amass a crowd of identical heroes.
  3. Leveling up. As soon as the player has received the necessary champion, or it is necessary to pump another hero, it is recommended to reset the level of the old character and leave it until better times (if it is epic). Even if a gamer hurries from the dumps, you can always reset again and raise the level of the old warrior. This operation is not expensive, so you can experiment with the composition of teams.
  4. Buying heroes. As soon as the player has accumulated the required materials for collecting or buying a hero, you must immediately buy (collect) the character. At any time, developers can change the contents of stores.
  5. The main team. The player must have formed the main detachment of fighters and the team pumped into the Sanctuary. These warriors must be dressed to the maximum and increased their power. The priority, of course, should be the core team. The rest of the characters can be rocked and dressed according to the residual principle. All unnecessary equipment should be sprayed, and for the received elements pump over the existing equipment. This is necessary to become stronger, go further adventures and get cooler prizes.

Mobile Legends Adventure: How to Use the Sanctuary Effectively?

The sanctuary is a place where you can instantly raise the level of several heroes. When the Sanctuary opens, the 5 most powerful heroes are automatically selected in the central circle. As a rule, these are the characters of the player's main team. Cells are shown on the right of the screen. Gradually, they can be opened, passing the Campaign or for diamonds. In these cells, you must select and put those heroes that the player wants to instantly pump.

But the level of pumping (Blessings) will depend on the level of the weakest hero in the circle of the Sanctuary. For example, the level of 4 heroes of the main team is 80, and 1 character has a total of 65 levels. It is up to the level of this champion that the level of warriors in the cells will rise.

It is recommended that the main team from the circle be pumped evenly so that the heroes in the Sanctuary can have a higher level.

After a player places characters in cells, they cannot be improved manually. If you remove the hero of their slot, then its level decreases to the original, and the cell will be inaccessible for 24 hours for further use.

It is recommended to select heroes in the slots so that a team is obtained that corresponds to the resonance of the battles.

The maximum level that champions in cells can receive depends on their quality. For example, elite heroes cannot be upgraded above level 160. Epic characters can be upgraded to level 500. At the same time, stardom must be raised by the heroes on their own.

When switching to a level that requires raising a star, the heroes located in the slots of the Sanctuary automatically switch. They need stars only to improve performance.

Additional heroes can be used in many activities where you can not be treated. For example, in the portal of time, so that was someone to replace the fallen champions.

Heroes who are pumped into the Sanctuary need to pick up good equipment, pump stardom so that they are most effective in battles. Sometimes in power they can be stronger than the main five.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Walkthrough Story Campaign

Awards. A campaign is the first activity a gamer will encounter in a game. For passing some stage of the game, the user earns various resources (equipment, hero experience, squad experience, gold). You can also get additional things (equipment, essence of improvement, and more). With each new level passed, the reward increases. The more chapters of the Campaign, the more resources will accumulate in the golden chest.

Rewards are accumulated every minute, even if the player is in the offline mode. After 12 hours, accumulation stops. Therefore, it is necessary to go 2 - 3 times a day and take prizes. Resources are accumulated in the treasure chest, which is located in the Campaign in the lower right corner. The accumulation timer starts immediately after collecting rewards.

Campaign. Heads of the company open in turn. Without completing the story, it is impossible to move on to a new chapter. There is resonance and opposition in the Campaign. In the battle window, the power of the player's team is shown at the top left, and the power of the enemy on the right. With each new story, the level of opponents rises, regardless of the strength of the player. On the map of Campania, all completed and future levels are visible. After each successful battle, the player receives prizes.

If the player loses the battle, then it is necessary to better pump the heroes, strengthen the equipment.You can try to make a permutation in the team, change the soldiers.

Instant rewards. These are rewards that are given to the player for free every day. They are determined by the completed chapter of the Campaign. After 2 hours, you can purchase a reward for diamonds. For players who do not have high VIP status, the acquisition of Instant rewards is limited.

Campaign is very easy to understand. But it is necessary to pass it to the maximum possible stage at the current moment of the game. Thus, the player will collect more rewards. The value of items dropped depends on the stage passed. Gradually in rewards the player will be able to receive epic or legendary items.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Arena Guide

An arena is a place where a player measures forces with other players. To fight in the Arena, you must have a special Arena ticket. There are 3 free attempts per day and 2 tickets can be obtained for completing daily tasks. In total, it turns out 5 times a day, you can have free fights in the Arena.

Each battle in the Arena has a time limit. When time runs out, the attacking player loses. After each battle, the winner receives points, and the loser loses a few points. Upon receiving points, the rank of the participant increases. Daily Arena participants receive rewards depending on the rating. At the end of the season, a reward is also given based on the league and rank of the player. The season lasts 2 weeks.

If the player could not pick up the prizes, then they will automatically arrive at the Post Office the next day.Players do not lose Arena points if they are at war.

You can put a defense unit on the Arena. These heroes will defend when the player is offline. It is necessary to expose the strongest characters, taking into account the resonance. Heroes can be changed at any time.

Awards received at the Arena:

  1. Seasonal reward - issued at the end of the tournament, depending on the rating.
  2. Achievement Reward - Awarded for gaining a new rank in the Arena.
  3. Daily prizes - issued daily, depending on the place in the standings.
  4. Rewards for victory - a bonus after a successful attack.

Highscores. In this tab, you can see the statistics of attacks on the player. You can see how many times the player was attacked, how many points he lost as a result of the defeat, or how many points he received for the victory.

Some players go to the trick: they put up 1 or 2 strong champions, and the rest put 1 level characters.Other players mainly look at the power in the table, not paying attention to the enemy team, and attack him. And in the opposing team there may be such a fighter, which is very difficult to defeat low-level players. Thus, such players occupy high positions in the Arena. Therefore, it is advised to always watch the opposing team and the level of leveling of champions before an attack.

Opponents. Options for possible enemies can be updated for free. The necessary information is given about each opponent: power, team composition, level of heroes. If the players do not fit, then it is recommended to update the list. It should be remembered that the lower the enemy's place in the ranking, the less points the player will receive for defeating him.

It is better to take enemies not much lower than your power, but such that it can be defeated.

In battle there is the ability to click on the "skip" button. Then the battle will take place automatically in a few seconds. The player will only see the results of the battle. After the battle, you can see the statistics, the record of the fight.

If a player wants to occupy good places in the Arena, it is better to switch to it when a new server appears. Although players from several servers are fighting at the Arena, you can still take more advantageous places in relation to those players who were added later.

How to switch to a new server? To do this, go to the player's menu (avatar in the upper left corner). Then open the "Settings" tab, select the "Server" button. After that, a window with a list of available servers will open.The last server in the list is the newest. Click on it and the transition will occur. In this case, all progress will remain on the same server and will have to start playing from scratch. If you want to return to the old place, you should also go to the list of servers and select the previous place of the game.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Guild Secrets

As soon as the player realized that this game is for him, that he will play it, you must immediately join the guild. If the guild is not active, then it is better to leave it and find another friendly team.

Guild Benefits:

  1. For joining the guild, the player receives 10 hero fragments.
  2. Inside the guild, you can order heroes and give fragments to other team members.
  3. Every day you need to beat the guild boss and get extra rewards for this.
  4. Guild members receive free rewards daily (for this you need to register - check in).
  5. General development.
  6. Communication.

How to make a request for a hero? Each guild has a specific rank. This rank defines the heroes to order. You can submit an application in the Donations of the guild by clicking on the "Request" button. After that, a window appears with a selection of available warriors. After the player selects a character for the request, he will appear in the list for donations. Sogildii will see the request and donate fragments of this hero. A player can request 10 fragments of a hero per day. Applications for heroes are removed after the deadline or after completion. On Saturdays and Sundays, you can send a request for a 5 star champion.

If the comrades donate fragments to the player, then do not be shy and donate fragments to them. For each donated item, the gamer will receive a reward and Guild Coins. Coins can be spent at the guild store. Here you can buy fragments of heroes, Coins of equipment, experience of the Hero. At the same time, elite 5-star characters are sold in the guild store.

In the guild there are ranks of participants, showing who, how many donated items to the guilds. You can see the contribution report - a list to whom the player donated fragments, and who brought gifts to him.

Guild level. It is necessary to complete tasks daily, fight with the boss, give gifts to the guilds. For this, participants receive Guild Experience. When experience reaches a certain number of points, the guild level rises.With each new level, the possible number of guild members increases. At high levels, a guild can have several dozen members. The higher the guild level, the better the products in the store.

Guild boss

It is necessary to enter the guild daily and beat the boss, for this the team members receive rewards. During the fight, chests fall from the boss, which will open at the end of the battle. Of course, 1 player will not be able to kill the boss, so all members of the guild must contribute to the victory over the boss.

2 attempts are given daily, which make it possible to participate in the battle. After killing 1 boss, you should start beating the next one. After defeating the enemy, a reward is distributed among the guild members. It depends on the amount of damage done to the enemy.

The boss unlocks at guild level 2. By killing the boss, alliance members add points to the overall progress of the guild. Bosses in the game are distributed in zones that open depending on the progress of the guild. If several bosses are open, participants can choose any opponent. The choice can be made based on the composition of your squad.

If the battle zone is covered in clouds, then it will open next week. Guild progress is reset once every 7 days, and open areas are covered with fog. Cloud-covered areas are not dumped.

Mobile Legends Adventure: what gives VIP status?

VIP level is given and increased for making real money in the game. The store shows that each purchase brings a certain number of VIP experience points. VIP gives good privileges that can give the player to develop several times faster and take good places in the Arena.


In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Unusual equipment (2 pcs.)
Buying a Premium Pass for a month. 40 diamonds.
The maximum number of heroes. +20.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. + 20%.
Daily free instant rewards. 1.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 2.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 10%.


In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Unusual equipment (2 pcs.)
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 60 diamonds.
The maximum number of heroes. +40.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. + 40%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Daily free instant rewards. 1.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 2.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 10%.


In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Unusual equipment (1 pc.) + 10 fragments of 5 star hero.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 80 diamonds.
The maximum number of heroes. +60.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. + 60%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 1.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 3.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 20%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +1
Limit friends. +5.


In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Unusual equipment (1 pc.) + 10 fragments of 5 star hero.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 100 diamonds.
The maximum number of heroes. +90.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. + 80%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 1.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 3.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 20%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +1
Limit friends. +5.


In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Rare equipment (1 pc.) + 10 fragments of 5 star hero.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 120 diamonds.
The maximum number of heroes. +120.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. + 100%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 1.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 3.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 30%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +1
Limit friends. +5.


In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Rare equipment (1 pc.) + 10 fragments of 5 star hero.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 140 diamonds + 1 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +160.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. + 120%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 1.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 4.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 30%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +1
Limit friends. +10.


In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Rare equipment (1 pc.) + 25 fragments of 5 star hero Zilong.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 160 diamonds + 2 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +200.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. + 140%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 2.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 4.
Battle points earned for completing stages in the Crusade. + 40%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +2.
Limit friends. +10.


In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Rare equipment (1 pc.) + 25 fragments of 5 star hero Zilong.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 180 diamonds + 2 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +160.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. + 140%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 2.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 4.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 40%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +2.
Limit friends. +10.
Chances of a daily battle with the guild boss. +1


In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Epic gear (1 pc.) + 25 fragments of 5 star hero Gorda.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 200 diamonds + 3 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +290.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. 180%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 2.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 6.
Battle points earned for completing stages in the Crusade. + 50%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +2.
Limit friends. +15.
Chances of a daily battle with the guild boss. +1

VIP 10

In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Epic gear (1 pc.) + 25 fragments of 5 star hero Gorda.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 220 diamonds + 3 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +340.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. 200%
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 2.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 6.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 50%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +2.
Limit friends. +15.
Chances of a daily battle with the guild boss. +1

VIP 11

In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Epic gear (1 pc.) + 50 fragments of the 5 star hero of Zilong.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 240 diamonds + 4 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +390.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. 220%
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 2.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 6.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 60%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +3.
Limit friends. +15.
Chances of a daily battle with the guild boss. +1

VIP 12

In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Epic gear (1 pc.) + 50 fragments of the 5 star hero Gorda.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 260 diamonds + 4 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +440.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. 240%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 2.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 8.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 70%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +3.
Limit friends. +20.
Chances of a daily battle with the guild boss. +1

VIP 13

In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. The legendary weapon "Berserker Rage".
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 280 diamonds + 5 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +540.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. 240%.
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 2.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 8.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 70%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +3.
Limit friends. +20.
Chances of a daily battle with the guild boss. +1

VIP 14

In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. Legendary weapon.
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 300 diamonds + 5 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +640.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. 280%
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 2.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 8.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 70%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +3.
Limit friends. +20.
Chances of a daily battle with the guild boss. +1

VIP 15

In achievements, you can pick up additional rewards. The legendary artifact "Oracle".
Buying a Premium Pass for a month (excluding mini-subscriptions). 320 diamonds + 5 fragment of a random 5 star hero.
The maximum number of heroes. +740.
Squad Experience, Battle Points, Hero Experience. 300%
Unlock battle speed. x2.
Opens the Premium Summon Energy award at the Altar of Desires.
Daily free instant rewards. 2.
Buying daily Instant Rewards. 8.
Battle points earned by completing stages in the Crusade. + 70%.
Affordable Daily Reward. +3.
Limit friends. +20.
Chances of a daily battle with the guild boss. +1

Mobile Legends Adventure: Maze Guide

Labyrinth is a place where you can get weapons, equipment, Coins of equipment. Dungeons are reset at 00:00 server time every day. Here, for each passage of levels, the Rank of Medals is given. With each new rank, new Dungeons are unlocked. New Dungeons give the player more rewards with higher qualities than in previous Dungeons.

Each Dungeon has 3 levels in which there are closed gates. To open the gate and go to the next level, you need to find the key. Together with the opening of the gates, a chest with gifts opens (located on each level). When all levels are completed, the player will be able to exit the Dungeon and receive rewards. To re-pass the dungeon, you will need to use special tools. If the player could not pass the Dungeons before the reset, then he will still receive a present.

During the reset, the player receives a Rating, which depends on the number of completed levels and defeated enemies. Rating is necessary to increase experience (progress), which in turn affects the receipt of the Rank of medals. To move to the next Dungeon, you must complete the levels with a minimum of 1 S rank. The higher the rank of passage, the better the rewards. Available rewards at the moment of passage are shown on the right side of the screen in the Labyrinth.

Passing levels

Enemies in the Labyrinth are not particularly difficult, except for the boss, who is waiting for players at level 3 of each Dungeon. There are also various elements that strengthen the team. But passing 1 Dungeon - you can not be treated. The health remaining after passing monsters at level 1 is transferred to levels 2 and 3, gradually decreasing.

In Dungeons, it is recommended to put heroes in the squad that can restore health for themselves and the team. It is better to take a tank Chilos, who, due to self-medication, can resist enemies for a long time and cover his powerful back with fragile allies.

A level consists of several cells that need to be turned over. Each cell is fraught with uncertainty: it can be an enemy, a trap or a pleasant surprise. If the player opens the enemy, then the cells adjacent to him will be inaccessible to open until the player kills the enemy.

In the Labyrinth, as in every battle, there is resonance and reaction. This must be taken into account when taking heroes to Dungeons. In battle, you can set the speed x2, for faster passage. It is better to set the course of the fight to "auto", so that the champions use their skills on their own. For a successful battle, you can get Equipment Coins.

Even if the player found the key behind the first open cell (battle), it is advised to open all the cells to the end. This is necessary in order to get as many bonuses as possible.

Only vampirism! After defeating the enemy, a drop appears on his cell, clicking on which you can select 1 of 3 bonuses. If there is vampirism in bonuses, you only need to take it. Vampirism is issued to all members of the team, at its expense they will be treated for each damage, thereby they can reach the end of the Dungeon. If vampirism is not on the cards, then it is better to heal.

Sometimes bonuses are given as heroes. In this case, you should take the improvement that suits most of the heroes in the team. If a healer appears in these bonuses, then it is recommended to treat the weakest hero (if his type of card falls out).

Dungeon Elements

In the Labyrinth, at each level, the player will encounter various positive and negative elements:

  1. Freezing spell - it is better to use it after opening several opponents at a level. Since the spell freezes the enemy and makes available the cells located next to him. It is worth choosing the enemy near which the most inaccessible cells are.
  2. Diamonds - sometimes this valuable game currency comes across to cells to collect. There are not many diamonds, but still nice.
  3. Support Heroes - 3 characters are given to choose, which will help the player pass the current dungeon (then they will disappear). It is better to take a character who fits into the team in resonance, then you should pay attention to the strength of the assistant.
  4. Small Bomb - Deal 25% of the maximum health damage of 1 enemy per level.
  5. Electromagnetic gun - for every 3 open cells, deal 20% of maximum health damage to a random enemy at a level.
  6. Tree of Life - restores 25% health to all heroes of the squad. It is better to leave the tree for later, and use it before moving to the next level to heal the fighters.
  7. Vigilant enemy - as soon as a player opens 2 cells, this opponent will deal 10% of the maximum health of champions in the player's team. Therefore, it should be killed as soon as it opens.
  8. Rune of invulnerability - when activated, resurrects 1 random warrior.


In the course of passing levels in the Underground, the player will find materials for the furnace. In the oven, you can merge 4 different items that will help in passing levels. Crafted items only work in the current Dungeon.

Oven bonuses:

  1. Holy light - removes all the demonic seals of the current floor.
  2. Shock of Darkness - deals damage, in the amount of 30% of the maximum health of the target, for all opponents on the field. If the blow is aimed at the boss, then the damage is reduced by 50% (that is, the boss deals 15% damage).
  3. Death ray - instantly destroys 1 enemy on the field. Cannot be used against the boss.
  4. Staircase - it can be placed in the hidden floors of the Dungeon to explore the hidden tunnels.

Hidden tunnels are designated as doors to the basement; if you click on them, a hole will appear where you need to place the stairs. In fact, the "hidden tunnel" is an additional floor of the Dungeon, where there are no opponents, but you can find pleasant surprises.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Daily Challenges

Daily tasks include tasks of the Tavern (because they are updated every day) and tasks in promotions:

  1. Daily.
  2. Weekly.
  3. Star Pass.


This is the place to send characters on trips. Returning, the soldiers bring prizes and awards. Assignments take place in the background, so sent characters can be used in other activities. But if a fighter is sent for one mission in the Tavern, then he cannot be sent to another mission (until he completes the journey).

For each successfully completed task, the player receives a reward, which is indicated in the commentary to the quest. You can go through so many stories a day. If a player gains a VIP level, then the adventure limit increases. Tasks can be updated once a day for free.

To instantly complete the quest, you can spend diamonds (although this should not be done). If the task lasts 2 or less hours, then his player will be offered to speed up for free. In the Tavern there are tasks to increase the Title (works only here). With each new Title, the player receives more profitable rewards for completing tasks.

Chances of reward:

  1. Ordinary (gray 1 star) -26%.
  2. Fancy (green 2 stars) - 27%.
  3. Rare (blue 3 stars) - 25%.
  4. Epic (purple 4 stars) - 18%.
  5. Legendary (yellow 5 stars) - 4%.

In the conditions of each gathering, the number of necessary heroes that must complete the Hunt is indicated. Heroes are allocated by quality and stardom and should not be lower than the heroes specified in the task. For example, to send a trip you need 2 unusual characters with 2 stars. Consequently, ordinary champions are not suitable for this role, but blue ones can be sent (purple or yellow).

The description of the assignment indicates the time it took. If you click on the task icon, its window will open. Characters are selected here. You can click on the "quick scan" button, after which the system will automatically select warriors for the Hunt.

Guild hunting is also held at the Tavern. It will be available at a certain point in the development of the guild. This type of hunting is carried out together with the heroes of the guilds. When sending, you must select one character from the teams of guild members (a special selection window will open) and your hero.

Daily quests

Tasks are reset once a day. They must be completed daily to collect as many rewards as possible.

Daily missions

The task Reward
Complete 8 daily quests. 80 diamonds.
Get Campaign Rewards. 3 experience + 20 diamonds.
Fight in the Arena 3 times. 6 experience + 2 Arena tickets.
Make a purchase in the store 1 time. 4 experience + 50 essences of improvement.
Complete Premium Call 1 time. 6 experience + 3 fragments of a random 4 star hero.
Send hearts to 3 friends. 6 experience + 25000 experience of the hero.
Collect Instant Rewards 1 time. 3 experience + 15000 gold.
Complete 2 Tavern quests. 4 experience + 20 diamonds.
Get 2 Chrono Stars in the Time Portal. 8 experience + 20 diamonds.

The star experience gained by the player for completing the task is marked in the scale at the top of the event window. Upon reaching a certain amount of experience, the player can receive an additional reward. Experience is also counted in the Star Pass event, where you can also get pleasant surprises.

Weekly Missions

Weekly missions are updated every 7 days. Here, as in the daily quests, a star experience is given that fills the scale at the top of the event window and affects the receipt of prizes in Star Pass.

Tasks Awards
Upgrade your gear 10 times. 20 experience + 5000 equipment coins.
Make 10 purchases in the Store. 5 experiments + rapid accumulation of gold (1 hour) = 25,000 units.
Win at the Arena 10 times. 10 experience + 20 fragments of a random 3 star hero.
Make a purchase in the Guild Store 5 times. 10 experience + 20 guild coins.
Get 30 Chrono Stars. 15 experience + 5 fragments of a random 5 star hero.
Complete Premium Call 20 times. 10 experience + 6 quick auto-collection of hero experience (1 hour) = 45000 units.

Star pass

Each Star Pass pass phase lasts 28 days. A pass can be purchased at the start of the game. A gamer can gain Star Experience by completing daily and weekly quests. The more experience, the better prizes the user unlocks. The rewards are Star Coins, which can be obtained periodically. Coins can be exchanged at Star Shop for essential items. When the Star Pass phase is over, all prizes not received will be sent to the player by mail.

A player will receive many more rewards for purchasing an elite Star Pass. Elite pass must be purchased for real money.


Achievements also apply to daily quests, as they can be counted daily. But achievements are not updated. After completing the quest 1 time, it is impossible to repeat it again. For Achievements give good prizes, you should try to complete them in full. After completing 120 Achievements, the player will receive 500 diamonds. At all stages of the game, new Achievements appear, and prizes for their implementation are improved.

Tasks Awards
Reach rank 70 on a squad. 100 diamonds.
Reach Epic in the Arena. 150 diamonds + 150,000 gold.
Win 50 times in the Arena. 80 diamonds + 80,000 gold.
Get 20 5 star heroes. 150 diamonds + 300,000 gold.
Complete Bonus Call 100 times. 4 improved hire tickets + 400 diamonds.
Reach VIP1. 2 things of unusual equipment.
End the Campaign - chapter 13. 100,000 gold + 100 diamonds.
Conduct Miracle - call 20 times. 2 Scrolls of Phantom Summon + 300 diamonds.
Spray 50 heroes. 50 diamonds + 50,000 gold.
Get five 6 star heroes. 300 diamonds + 200000 gold.
Get 1 9 star hero. 2 epic gear items.
Get 1 10 star hero. 2 epic gear items.
Strip the Tower of Babel (floor 90). 200 diamonds.
Complete Campaign 13-5. 150 diamonds.
Complete 80 stages of the Crusade. 100 diamonds.
Get 6 epic gear. 4000 hero experience + 100 diamonds.
Get the SSS rating in the Labyrinth 10 times. 200 diamonds.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Passing the Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel is a tower with an infinite number of floors. At the moment, the game has 500 levels, periodically developers add more floors. With each new floor, the level of opponents rises. On each floor in the upper left corner is a reward for successful passage of the floor. When passing floors multiple of 10, an additional reward is given.

In the Tower there is an opportunity to watch the video of passing floors by other players. This is necessary, for example, when a player is stuck at a difficult stage and cannot pass it. The video can tell him what the composition of the level is, what overall strength the team should have.

If a player is stuck at some stage, do not panic. You can complete the level later, after pumping heroes.

In the Tower of Babel for passing, you can get good materials for pumping heroes. Therefore, it is recommended to pass it as much as possible. The level of opponents does not depend on the level of the team. The difficulty just gradually increases, with the expectation that the player also gradually increases the strength of the characters.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Time Portal Tips

The time portal is an interesting place with unusual adventures. History progress is reset once a day. Hourglass filling progress is reset once a week. There are 2 types of adventures in the Portal:

  1. Tests.
  2. Crusade.


Both adventures give the player Chrono stars. They are needed to charge the hourglass. In order for the Clock to charge, you must have 4 Chrono stars. To charge the Clock, you need to put the stars in the peaks or the center of the Star Soul.

Each drawing obtained from the Chrono Stars gives you the opportunity to flip the tarot card and get a gift for it. All rewards received are accumulated during the week in the Star Soul Chest. When resetting, all prizes from the chest are transferred to the player's mail. The more Star Souls a player lights within 7 days, the better prizes they will receive at the end of the week.


In this test, the player will face the lineups of other gamers. After completing the adventure, you can get Chrono stars and good rewards. This is a place where various fragments of heroes are generously given. The most difficult stages are the stages with bosses: 3, 6 and 9. In this mode, there is no way to heal between stages. All health is carried forward.

You can revive a fallen character for 100 diamonds. But this is not a rational use of the resource. Better to pump additional champions and put them in place of the dead. It is important to remember the resonance. It is important to put healers in the squad so that they replenish the health of the team.

For each boss they give gold and a Chrono star. After passing the 9th stage, the player will have the opportunity to open the chest with rewards. Fragments of heroes often fall. After resetting the timer, the story can be skipped again.


In this adventure there will be 3 types of bosses to fight against. Each boss has its own limitations. Only eligible champions can deal damage. For example, go through the stage only with melee characters. Tests are reset daily. For each boss, the player receives a Chrono star and a good reward.

If you can't get through the boss, you can try to pass it an infinite number of times. But after victory, the boss will be unavailable until reset. Upon successful completion of the Challenge, the next day, the rewards and difficulty of the bosses will be increased.

If a player cannot pass the boss, then he can be updated for free once a day. After the update, another boss will appear, with other restrictions. You can pump heroes specifically for passing the boss, and then reset them.

Mobile Legends Adventure: What are Friends for?

It is very important to have friends in the game, as they give hearts for Friendly call in the Altar of Desires. The more friends, the greater the opportunity to call on new heroes. 1 call costs 10 hearts. The maximum number of friends if the player does not use the VIP level is 30.

Friends also need to send hearts. If a friend is not active in the game for a long time, then it is better to replace him with someone who will regularly send hearts.

The limit of friends can be increased to 50, increasing the VIP status.

The main role of friends is getting hearts for the call.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Freebies in the Store

The main store in the game is called the Market. This is one of the most profitable places to buy heroes for diamonds.

If you calculate the probability of a call in the Altar of Desires, then in the store to buy a hero is 1.5 times more profitable. But in the store fragments are sold in small quantities.

The store can be updated free of charge once every 4 hours. This is necessary in order to quickly collect fragments of the necessary character. The assortment does not change during the upgrade. You can update as many times as you like for diamonds. 1 upgrade costs 20 diamonds.

There are other things at the store with a good discount. After completing Campaign 15-20, you will be able to buy better quality items in the Market. Prices for offered goods are reset daily.

If the store has an item needed by the player's champions, then this item will be highlighted.

There are several types of stores in the game:

  1. Market.
  2. Event Store.
  3. Guild Store.
  4. Spray Altar Shop.

The market is the most profitable place for investing diamonds.

Mobile Legends Adventure: Secret of the Hall of Fame

In the Hall of Fame there are server players who have achieved success in one of the activities. Each leaderboard has a Progress task. After the player completes the task, his name will be saved in the list of the Hall of Fame. The name and avatar of the player who first completed the task will be displayed on the main screen of the Hall.

If someone completed the Progress task for the first time, all other server players receive a reward (50 diamonds). The leaderboard is divided into several types:

  1. By the type of heroes.
  2. By progress in the Campaign.
  3. By progress in the tower of Babel.

For each star level, more points are awarded in the leaderboard by the type of heroes:

Stars Glasses
1 0
2 0
3 5
4 fifteen
5 fifty
6 100
7 200
8 350
9 700
10 1150
eleven 1350
12 1550
thirteen 1750
14 1950
fifteen 2150

These points affect the position in the table. For example, 2 players have a hero of darkness of level 200, but one of them has 10 stars and the other has 11. Therefore, the second player will be in the leaderboard.

In the table of the Campaign and the Tower of Babel you can see what composition the player went through these activities. You can make yourself a similar detachment. You can view all the players who completed the task, and analyze which heroes were most often used for the passage.

To be honest, most of the leaders are players who invest a lot of real money in the game. Thus, they accelerate development processes.

You can like any player from the tables. It does not give anything, just a person will be pleased.


We liked the game. When compared with other similar games, there are a few positive points:

  1. Heroes are well voiced and traced.
  2. All activities can be completed in an hour. No need to sit for half a day, as in other games, in order to achieve something in the game.
  3. You can get a lot of diamonds from different places. Developers generously approached this issue.
  4. The game is thought out, it is nice to play it.

Of course, as in other games of this genre, there are very few heroes - rivals, they just become stronger. But this point does not overshadow the gameplay.

Authors of the article: Evgenia G., Yaroslav I.

Mobile Legends Adventure Wishing Shrine Drawing


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